
by 천주교부산교구 전산홍보국



The Catholic Busan app makes it easy to access the Catholic Bishops Dioceses homepage, the internet newsletter and the cathedral home.Catholic Bishop Parish website- You can see various information and diocesan news about Pusan ​​in Busan.- The Catholic Life Busan provides news of the diocese twice a month.- You can check the details of the parish / organization / organization belonging to the Parish Parish through the parish address book and parish map.- We will inform you about books and movies that will help your faith.Internet bulletin- It is easy to see the weekly Catholic Busan jubo with smartphone.- Each column of the weekly newsletter is divided into small menus and provided with texts.Cathedral home- It is a cafe-type homepage operated by the Diocese. It is a space for information exchange and communication among the people of the main hall.- Provides a bulletin board that can be communicated in the parish community such as pastoral council, Sunday school, youth group.- You can check not only the parish, but also the diocese and church-wide news.